HFE Computer Fund
A member of our community, HFE has been working with an old, crumbling chromebook for faer writing streams. Despite being tethered to aging hardware, a closed and dying app marketplace, and third-party pay-to-use streaming software, fae has managed to reach affiliate status and build a dedicated group of viewers for faer content. Let’s make sure that HFE has the proper hardware to be even more successful!
Our goal for this fundraiser is $350 USD. We’ve already had a LOT of computer parts donated to the cause, and this money will help us with shipping costs, minor upgrades, a mechanical keyboard (a BIG upgrade for any writer!), monitor, and other accessories as needed.
Any funds raised in excess of the $350 dollar goal will be split evenly among our wonderful volunteers who have donated their time, art, expertise, and more.
Schedule and Events
For the dates June 4th – June 6th, 2021, various streamers will be devoting their time and skill to the fundraising effort. You can view the stream schedule [here]!
Additionally, SarahSelene (Alexis) is auctioning one of their slots for community choice! If you’d like to be in the running to choose the game that gets played, you can enter your bid [here]!
Donation Info
Use this donation button link, or visit paypal.me/protogilly to make donations outside of stream times.
If a stream is active, please use the !donate command in twitch chat for information about how to make a live donation!